about paleo mama bakery
After a decade of a personal struggle with an autoimmune disease, I still hadn’t made any sense out of the advice given to me from various doctors, nor had I found any relief from the number of medications which I had been prescribed. Frustrated, sick, and malnourished, I focused my attention to the research of the link between diet and autoimmune diseases. I first learned about the SCD diet (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) and incorporated that into my lifestyle. I found immediate relief from eliminating grains and sugar from my diet. Today I follow a somewhat tweaked combination of the SCD diet and the Paleo diet. I no longer take medication and am symptom free, as long as I steer clear of grains and refined sugar.
Knowing the struggle of living with a debilitating disease, I decided to use my illness to make a positive impact and help others. In September of 2014, I opened ‘Paleo Mama Bakery’ in Madison, WI. My vision was simple: to help others find healing through diet. My focus was to create nutritious and delicious treats not only for others with conditions and allergies such as myself, but also for those who merely wanted food made from real, simple, healthy ingredients.
Currently we have over 40 different products, which are all dedicated to being gluten-free and grain-free. We substitute healthy Paleo flours in our baked goods, such as almond flour, coconut flour, and cassava flour, which are all very nutrient dense ingredients. We also focus on keeping our products free from soy, processed oils, and refined sugar. Our primary sweetener is locally sourced raw honey, although we do sweeten a few products with maple syrup, coconut sugar, and dates. Most of our products are dairy-free, although we do incorporate grass-fed butter and grass-fed goat cheddar in a few products.
Our facility is dedicated to being gluten-free. We have a bakery on South Few Street in Madison, WI and distribute our products to over 40 stores throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. Of course, our products can also be purchased here on our website. We hope you love our products as much as we do!
-Belle Pleva
Owner & Founder